Need some extra motivation to achieve your fitness goals? Join our Turas Fitness Fundraiser today!

Walk, run, cycle, swim or skip your way to better health, while also raising essential funds for your local addiction support service.

  1. Choose a fitness challenge (individual or team) e.g. Plank Hold, Squats, Push-ups, Pull-ups, Run a Mile a Day, Cycle 100km in a Month - whatever challenge is relevant and achievable for you!
  2. Click the Register button to sign up for free and get a personalised Enthuse fundraising page. 3. Share the link to your fundraising page on your social media.
  3. Raise €250 (or whatever you can) for Turas by your chosen finish date.
  4. Achieve your personal health and fitness goals. 
  5. Help people in your community to recover from addiction.

Donations from your Turas Fitness Fundraiser will help to fund services like addiction counselling, detox & medical support, outdoor/creative therapies, weekly support groups, Recovery Cafés and our Transformational Recovery Programme.

For queries/support, please email [email protected], call 042 933 8221 or visit

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Turas Fitness Fundraiser