What role does food have in Migraine? Do foods trigger attacks? Some of your questions will be answered here.


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Many of us have been told that certain diets can help us to keep migraine away, but is this true? We've heard of Keto, Low GI, cutting our gluten/dairy all helping, but do they really?

to help us to answer these questions, and more we are delighted to welcome Dr. Margaret Slavin, food scientist and Registered Dietitian, at the Department of Nutrition and Food Studies, in George Mason University, Virginia, USA

Dr. Slavin's primary research interest is to explore the relationship between the diet and migraine disease, including both the short term (food triggers) and long-term (overall dietary pattern) impacts of food on disease outcomes. 

She will explore different diets, the scinetific evidence for them and which diets are more suitable for migraine, and will also look at food triggers, what they are, why they trigger and how to figure them out.

With thanks to the HSE National Lottery in CHO area 5 South Tipperary for the funds for this event.