How do you navigate from 3rd level education to employment with a disability? Are there supports there to help? If you've ever wondered about this, then this event is for you.


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You've managed to get through 3rd level education living with a disabling condition, so congratualtions, you should be immensely proud. Pondering the next step is daunting, but with a disability it is even more difficult.

Join us for a presentation from AHEAD on Preparing for the Workplace. 

AHEAD is an independent non-profit organisation working with and for disabled people to shape inclusive and empowering environments in tertiary education and employment. Joining us will be GetAHEAD Officer Banba Fitzgerald and WAM Project Officer Philip Carroll.

GetAHEAD is an initiative of AHEAD which has been running since 2005. It is a network of student and graduates with disabilities currently making the transition from third-level education to full time employment. GetAHEAD works to up-skill graduates with disabilities by providing training events and valuable information covering a wide range of topics and resources which we will be discussing. 

The WAM programme is the transition to employment initiative of AHEAD. It offers graduates with disabilities the benefit of a 6 month minimum fully paid and mentored work internship with high profile employers.

WAM was established in 2005 and, to date, have placed over 650 graduates with both private and public sector employers.

Banba Fitzgerald – Get AHEAD Officer

Banba Fitzgerald holds two first class honours degrees from University College Dublin including a BSc in Science and an MSc in Business & Biotherapeutics. She is very passionate about the healthcare and disability sectors and has personal experience with hidden disabilities. Her background has largely been in the pharmaceutical and medical communications industries with experience in a variety of areas including project and event management. At present, Banba is currently working in AHEAD as GetAHEAD Officer and is dedicated to making a meaningful difference in the disability community.

Philip Carroll – WAM Project Officer

Philip joined the AHEAD team in 2022 and is working on The Willing Able Mentoring (WAM) Programme which aims to promote access to the employment for graduates with disabilities and build the capacity of employers to integrate disability into the mainstream workplace. Not only is Philip working on the WAM Programme, but he is also a former participant of the WAM Programme in 2018. Philip strives to use this unique perspective of the challenges faced by graduates with disabilities in the workplace, to offer support and guidance as they begin their respective careers.

WIth thanks to the HSE Office in Wicklow for support for this event.