St David’s Hospice is proud to host as part of it’s 25th Anniversary celebrations, a Special Golf Event on Friday 24th May at the prestigious Conwy Golf Club

Teams of 4 are invited to take part in the event which includes Bacon Roll and Coffee on arrival, 18 Holes on Conwy’s Championship Course followed by a 3 Course Meal in the Clubhouse.

Tee Times are available from 10:30AM -12:57PM.

Prizes will be awarded to the first 3 Teams, Longest Drive ,Nearest the Pin and bonus prizes throughout the day.

The cost will be £400 per team which includes all golf, catering and prizes. There will also be the opportunity during the prize presentation to win some great raffle prizes and to bid for a special gift in our auction. Further refreshments will be available on course during the day.

St David’s Hospice also welcome any offers of sponsorship to help with the running of the event. There are a range of sponsorship options available. Please contact St David’s Hospice Fundraising Team on 01492 873674 or [email protected] for further information.

St David’s Hospice would like to thank everyone at Conwy Golf Club for their fantastic and generous support for our 25th Anniversary celebrations and supporting the work the Hospice does in the communities it serves.

The Competition will be a Team Texas Scramble format - further details will be sent out nearer the day.

All players will need to provide a Handicap Certificate- any questions regarding this, please contact us.


Fel rhan o’i dathliadau Chwarter Canmlwyddiant mae Hosbis Dewi Sant yn falch o gynnal Digwyddiad Golff Arbennig ar ddydd Gwener 24ain Mai yng Nghlwb Golff Conwy

Gwahoddir timau o 4 i gymryd rhan yn y digwyddiad, sy’n cynnwys Rhôl Facwn a Choffi wrth gyrraedd, 18 Twll ar Gwrs Pencampwriaeth Conwy gyda Phryd 3 Chwrs i ddilyn yn y Clwb.

Mae Amseroedd Ti ar gael o 10:30AM -12:57PM.

Bydd gwobrau’n cael eu dyfarnu i’r 3 Thîm cyntaf, am y Dreif Hiraf, yr Agosaf at y Coes Fflag a bydd yna wobrau bonws trwy gydol y dydd.

Y gost fydd £400 y tîm, sy’n cynnwys yr holl golff, arlwyo a gwobrau. Enillwch wobrau gwych wrth ichi gymryd rhan mewn arwerthiant a fydd yn cael ei gynnal yn y clwb wrth i’r gwobrau gael eu cyflwyno. Bydd mwy o luniaeth ar gael ar y cwrs yn ystod y dydd.

Mae Hosbis Dewi Sant yn croesawu unrhyw gynigion o nawdd hefyd i helpu gyda rhedeg y digwyddiad. Mae yna amryw o opsiynau noddi ar gael. Cysylltwch â Thîm Codi Arian Hosbis Dewi Sant ar 01492 873674 neu [email protected] am fwy o wybodaeth.

Byddai Hosbis Dewi Sant yn hoffi diolch i bawb yng Nghlwb Golff Conwy am eu cefnogaeth ddi-ail o hael i’n dathliadau Chwarter Canmlwyddiant ac am gefnogi’r gwaith y mae’r Hosbis yn ei wneud yn y cymunedau y mae’n eu gwasanaethu.

Fformat Sgrambl Texas Tîm fydd i’r Gystadleuaeth – bydd manylion pellach yn cael eu hanfon allan yn nes at y diwrnod.

Bydd angen i bob chwaraewr ddarparu Tystysgrif Handicap - os oes unrhyw gwestiynau ynglŷn â hyn, cysylltwch â ni. 


registrations are not available

There are currently no entry options available for this event.