The Ataxia Classic is going virtual for 2021, which means that everyone across the UK can take part from home.

With a variety of distances to choose from, whether you are a seasoned cyclist or a weekend wanderer, this is the cycle for you!

Be part of something incredible where we connect everyone from all over the UK this September, cycling for the same cause and support one another.

So select your distance, grease up your chain, and saddle up on your local roads to start clocking up the kilometres to support those with ataxia and their families this September.

Everyone will receive an exclusive medal and certificate, and we are encourging everyone to fundraise so we can pedal faster towards treatments and a cure for the ataxias, and to support those with ataxia and their families.

When you fundraise there is the opportunity to get your hands on a high-performance Ataxia UK cycling jersey too!


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There are currently no entry options available for this event.


Take Part in just Four easy steps

  • Select your distance, and choose whether to do it in one day, or over a number of days 
  • Pay your entry fee
  • Between 1 and 30 September, get out cycling, clocking your kilometers through Strava or uploading manually
  • Fundraise! You get your very own fundraising page when you register where your kilometers will show you and you can keep your friends and family updated on your progress so they can really get behind you!

Choose your distance

  • Virtual 5km 
  • Virtual 10km 
  • Virtual 25km 
  • Virtual 50km
  • Virtual 75km
  • Virtual 100km
  • Virtual 500km

What you receive for being part of Team Ataxia UK

  • Everyone who completes their challenge will receive an exclusive medal and certifcate


  • Everyone who fundraises unlocks our exclusive discount to purchase a high-performance cycling jersey for £24 - or if Hit £150 in fundraising, and you'll receive it for free! 

And if that wasn't enough ... 

  • Your challenge will be fully integrated with Strava - you can manually upload your distances too!
  • The team at Ataxia UK will be supporting you every pedal of the way
  • Feel brilliant knowing you are part of something awesome for a great cause, and you are making a difference. 


Any questions?

Contact Rebecca and the team on [email protected] or call 020 7582 1444


Find out more about ataxia and Ataxia UK

Click here to watch a short video on ataxia


Website and social media

Instagram: @ataxia_uk

Twitter: @AtaxiaUK

Linkedin: ataxiauk

Thank you for your Support and Welcome to the Team!