Welcome to Launchpad's doggy walking fundraiser!

We’re looking for dynamic duos to set themselves the goal of walking 100 miles in the 31 days of October – and asking friends and family to sponsor them to help people facing housing crisis in Reading. 
Impress everyone by taking on a few longer treks or spread the distance over the month, meaning you'll only have to walk just over three miles each day.

If 100 miles seems a little too far for you and/or your dog, you can set whatever distance suits. However far you go and however long it takes, it’s all about getting outdoors and raising vital funds to help us support more people in Reading who are at risk of losing their homes.

You can go it alone and spend some quality time with your pooch, or team up with friends and enjoy a chat as you raise funds for those who need it most. 

Look out for details of our doggy social on World Homeless Day (10th October) where you'll get to meet fellow challenge participants and perhaps make some new like-minded friends.

We'll have dog-themed giveaways as well as photography competitions to showcase your pooch's best side. You won’t want to miss out on the fun.

This really is a challenge with a pawpose!


Administration fee

This fee covers our administration costs so that all money raised can go where it's needed most.
