The Walk for Water is an incredible way for you to visit Ndanai, Bomet County Kenya - the region where Dig Deep does most of its work.

This incredible walk is a unique and immersive and unique experience that will take you on a beautiful 70km walk around The Great Rift Valley, starting at our offices in Ndanai. 

Think of BBQ’s around a campfire, sleeping under the stars, hosted by local communities and walking alongside Dig Deep’s staff, and some of the children we work with from schools in Ndanai. This will be a very special and memorable experience.  

The 7-day trip will begin with project visits and orientation in Ndanai hosted by Nelly, Nicky and Justus (members of our Kenya Team) before you begin your 3-day hike around the Great Rift Valley. We hope that during your stay in Ndanai before we begin the walk, you will have the opportunity to attend a project opening celebration hosted by one of the nearby schools or community centres. 

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