With the sun shining at last - well a little bit - and temperatures starting to rise, many of us would like to improve our fitness. What better way than to set yourself a six week challenge to run, cycle or walk 100 kms or more AND raise much needed money for Our Moon's young leaders programme at the same time. 

We are planning to walk from Our Moon's office in Tunbridge Wells to Our Moon Zambia - a total of 10,690 kilometres from 22 May to 7 July. We need you to commit to your target and log the kilometres you have done at the end of each day. You can do this manually or using the Strava app. We will pool all logged kilometres and keep track of how far we have reached on our journey. 


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There are currently no entry options available for this event.


To participate, we require you to fundraise or make a donation. We are hoping that each person will attempt to raise £100, but we are grateful for any donations large or small, especially as we need to get the kilometres in!

There will be prizes for those who contribute the greatest distance towards our overall target, as well as a prize for the person who raises the most funds. We will also have some incentives along the way to keep us all on target. 

How it works:

  1. Register above.
  2. Decide how many kilometres you want to challenge yourself to over the six week period. You can walk, run or cycle outside or on a machine. If we can get 100 people to commit to 100km, we will almost be there!
  3. Decide if you want to pay a donation to participate and how much you will pay OR commit to a fundraising target, asking other people to sponsor you. 
  4. If you are going to fundraise, once you have registered, you will be prompted to set up a personal fundraising page.
  5. Start exercising (though you can't start recording until 22 May. Upload your kilometres at the end of each day. You can do this using the Strava app (free on mobile) which can be downloaded onto your phone. If you already use a different fitness app, you will be able to upload the distance manually. Please do this at the end of each day so that we can monitor and report how far we have collectively travelled. 
  6. If you exercise with someone, they can either sign up for the Journey to Zambia and support us, or you can upload their kilometres (with their permission). Again, you will need to ask them for proof. 
  7. Please share your progress with the people who are sponsoring you on your social media and share our posts. 

Fundraising ideas:

  1. Write a good fundraising page setting out clearly, asking for donations to support your personal challenge (state how many kilometres you are hoping to cover), about Our Moon and what we are fundraising for (Our Moon's Young Leaders programme). 
  2. Offer to match people's donations up to a maximum of, say, £50. 
  3. Ask people to sponsor you per 10kms, to encourage you to meet your personal fitness goals as well as secure your funds. 
  4. Organise to achieve your targets while walking your dog, with or without friends. Post your dogs' efforts on social media and win a prize for the dog who walks the most kilometres.