Start the New Year with a big splash by taking part in our New Year's Day Dip.

We will meet at the Perch Cafe on Lancing Beach on 1st January 2023 and at 10am, dip in to the sea together to help all of the salty sea dogs and cats at Brighton Animal Shelter this Christmas.

No experience is necessary as this is very much a Dip, rather than a sea swim, but Dippers will be offered help and advice about how to make their Dip fun and safe. It's up to you what you wear, wetsuits or fancy dress are fine. We recommend gloves, hat and boots to keep your extremities warm!

The New Year's Day Dip is offered as a SAOR (Swim at Own Risk) event so, although we will have first aiders on site, Dippers take full responsibility for their safety during the dip. There is no age limit but anyone under 16 must be accompanied by an adult.

This is a sponsored event so Dippers are encouraged to create their own sponsorship page via Enthuse (or your choice of platform). You will have the option to do this as soon as you have registered and we can support this process. Paper sponsorship forms are available on request.

Thank you for starting the New Year with a splash and getting chilly for the animals in our Shelter in 2023.

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registrations are not available

There are currently no entry options available for this event.


Travel/Parking: There is ample parking at the Perch Cafe.

Registration: Please sign-in on the beach side of the Perch Cafe. 

Timings: The dip will start at 10am with Registration open from 9am. Please bring warm clothes/blankets/towels to keep you warm before and after your Dip. 

Facilities: There is limited space in the Perch Cafe toilets, and public toilets in the car park but Dippers are advised to arrive in what they will be wearing in to the sea.

Covid-19: We will be following any Covid-19 protocols in place on the day.

We ask that if you’re showing any symptoms on the day of the event to please stay at home and do not attend.

Water Safety Advice: Festive Dips are cold-water events which involve immersion in water that’s likely to be colder than 15°C as such are considered a hazardous activity, with potential risk of Cold-Water Shock and peripheral cooling leading to incapacitation and hypothermia.

Here are some of the top safety tips for cold water dipping:

* If it’s your first time open water swimming or cold water dipping, it’s important to speak to a health care professional to discuss the risks of cold water immersion before you go

* Know what to do if your get caught in a rip current

* Wear a wetsuit that fits you correctly and a brightly coloured swim hat

* Acclimatise slowly. Never jump or dive straight in, as this could cause cold water shock

* Stay within your depths and swim parallel to the shore

* If you get into trouble remember to float to live

* Have plenty of warm clothes and a warm drink for after your swim