The John Faulds Hellingly 10k 2024

Sunday, 22 September 2024, 09:00

  1. ticket
  2. registration
  3. review
  4. confirmation

The John Faulds Hellingly 10K is an accurately measured 10K (6.2 Miles) race, with a UK Athletics Road Licence, and forms part of the Sussex Grand Prix running events.

This beautiful, undulating, rural route, follows country roads and lanes around the village of Hellingly in East Sussex.

Organised by Hailsham Harriers, one of the oldest running clubs in Sussex, this represents their flagship race and 2024 marks the 40th anniversary of the club which they will be celebrating. 

The race field is made up of all standards from fun-runners & joggers to top club runners.

Race Limit - 300

Race license number: 27757


Affiliated Runner

Use this option if you ARE a member of a running club and have an EA Registration number. Please note that the minimum age is 15 years old on Race Day


Unaffiliated Runner

Use this option if you are NOT a member of a running club Please note that the minimum age is 15 years old on Race Day
