Set yourself a challenge for the New Year!  Run, walk or crawl during the month of January 2023.  From the 1st January, you complete 1km (or 1,000 steps), and then on the 2nd complete 2km, up to 31km on the 31st.  Totalling 496k!!!  Do it solo, in pairs or as a family/team.

Entry is £31, so only £1 per day and includes a massive shiny medal upon completion! 

No fundraising is required but if you'd like to set up a fundraising page to help motivate yourself and raise extra funds for Wolo, you can set one up here:

Click on the Entry button below to register. 

Wolo Foundation

Helping to improve the quality of life of families in Sussex affected by cancer. 

What is Wolo?

Wolo stands for ‘we only live once’, the perfect way to describe their ethos - to make the most of each day. Life is a blessing and we need to enjoy it; doing the things we love, with the ones we love.

Husband and wife team, Justin and Fler Wright set up Wolo Foundation after a cancer diagnosis of their own. With three young children to support, they were shocked at what little help there was out there for families like theirs. Knowing they didn’t want others to go through it like they did, ignited a little flame inside their hearts - and that’s how the idea began.

Wolo Foundation registered as a charity in 2020 and helps families living in Sussex through their cancer journeys. They support them by offering practical help and support to make their day-to-day lives easier. They work with other charities, local businesses and communities to offer families a wealth of services to support them through diagnosis, treatment and beyond. 

Who do Wolo help?

Any family living in Sussex with a child or children under the age of 16 years at the point of diagnosis. They support all family members, whether it be an adult or child with a diagnosis - siblings and partners are supported too. They currently have almost 100 families and upwards of 200 children in their Wolo community.

How do Wolo help?

Every family is unique, and every cancer is different. Wolo’s bespoke approach recognises that people don’t always know what they need. Wolo offers all family members emotional guidance and practical help. From mental health support and complementary therapies, to practical help with cleaning, childcare, will writing or home maintenance issues. Nothing is too much trouble.  

Regular family events help to reduce loneliness and isolation and encourage new friendships. Tickets to local attractions and short family breaks help to ensure families can spend quality time together making memories.

Wolo’s work is about practical help, health and well-being and developing long lasting relationships. Ultimately they want to increase life enhancing experiences for the person with cancer and their family, and try to encourage everyone to live their best lives, day-by-day

How can you help?

Wolo are looking for anyone who can offer a service to a family going through cancer treatment - whether it be therapy, childcare, legal help, memory making opportunities, counselling, gardening, decorating, car maintenance or a meal - literally anything! These can all funded through the charity. Wolo are passionate about collaboration with businesses, community groups and other charities to help make a difference to the lives of local families going through cancer.

Wolo hold a variety of fundraising events throughout the year, and are always looking for willing participants who want to help raise funds by doing a skydive, wing walk, ice bath or similar. 

Wolo are also seeking 100 businesses/CEO’s to join the exclusive Wolo 100 club. To join, you need to commit to donating £100 per month to Wolo, for a minimum of 12 months. This regular income means Wolo can spend their time directly supporting families in need - the number of families they are supporting has grown by over 1333% in 2.5 years. In return, members will receive priority invitations to events such as the WoloBall (11/3/23), opportunities to network with like-minded individuals and direct access to support should any of your workforce receive a diagnosis. 

Statistics show that 1 in 2 people in the UK born after 1960 will be diagnosed with cancer in their lifetime. Life is precious - we need to make the most of it - we only live once - Wolo! 


registrations are not available

There are currently no entry options available for this event.


Do not underestimate this challenge!  It's a great one to see in the New Year!

Remember, you are not alone, we are all in this together - there's a facebook group for us all to chat and motivate each other.

The general rules: you can run/walk as many times as you want in the day to make up the distance/step count.  So do it in one, or break it up.  Pairs/family/team entries - you can do the distance however you choose - split it or take it in turns, entirely up to you.
Solo runners/walkers - you have 24 hours to complete the distance.  We would recommend thinking about your recovery, try and have a big a gap as possible between your runs.

The cost is £31 per entry, which includes one bespoke medal.  You can also create your own fundraising page for Wolo if you would like to raise some more funds.

If you need any help or have any questions, please email

The funds you help to raise will help many families in Sussex on their cancer journeys - you can read more about the work Wolo does at