Christmas can be a time of heightened emotion, where the absence of your loved ones from family gatherings and traditions can seem more painful to endure. Together with Swansea City AFC, we have a memory Christmas tree which is dedicated to those who were taken too soon from this world.


The Christmas tree will be on display in the Swans shop at the stadium throughout the festive period.  Baubles can be purchased in store or can be pre-ordered through this page.


We have a choice of four colours (pink, blue, silver or unpainted wooden effect) and these baubles will be returned to you in the new year.  We will contact you when they are ready.


Money raised from our memory tree is for our Cwtsh Clos appeal where we are fundraising to renovate homes available to families who have babies in our Neonatal Intensive Care Unit (NICU) in Singleton Hospital.


You can find out more on our appeal on our website


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