CONDITIONS OF ENTRY— By entering this Cycle you agree to these rules
· REMEMBER it is not a race. Be an advert for cycling and show consideration to other road users.
· NEVER ride more than two abreast & do NOT attempt any dangerous passing - it is dangerous and irresponsible.
· It is forbidden to cross the centre line of road.
· Do NOT wear headphones whilst cycling.
· Don’t go mad down hills, please signal left or right and don’t stop suddenly: there may be traffic behind you.
· You MUST bring a full water bottle and any necessary medication with you.
· Please respect the local environment, fellow cyclists & road users & please take any litter home with you.
· Please wear a helmet.
· Please note that while we have consider the risks that this event entails (as per available risk assessment), you are taking part in this event at your own risk and CAFT will not be responsible for injury, loss or damage occurred at this event.
* CAFT can't take responsibility for services provided by 3rd parties (Hotel)
I have read and understand the Terms & Conditions