Dancer Details

My Contact Details

My Address

Tell us why you are the ideal candidate for Strictly Rowcroft!

Come on, this is your opportunity to sell yourself! Why should we allocate you one of the coveted dancer places for Strictly Rowcroft 2025? What are you going to bring to the dancefloor?

Pairing Up

Fundraising Pledge

Each dancer is required to raise a minimum of £1,500 to support the vital work of Rowcroft Hospice. We encourage you to get creative and engage your friends, family, and community—whether through events, social media, or other innovative ways to reach your goal.

Reason For Taking Part

Participant's Medical Information

Rehearsal Availability

Emergency Contact

Please note: They must not be participating in the event.

Keeping In Touch

We'd love to keep in touch with you to share our news, stories and how you can support our work. Please tick to indicate which channels you are happy to hear from us via:

Participant Terms and Conditions