'Wear It Red' For World Homeless Day

We’re St Basils homeless charity, and we’re dedicated to supporting young people aged 16-25 who are experiencing or at risk of homelessness. 

On Thursday 10th October, we’re inviting schools across the West Mids to 'Wear It Red' for World Homelessness Day! Here’s how it works:

• Students wear red to raise awareness.

• We kindly suggest a £1 donation from each student to support St Basils. All funds go directly to our programs helping young people in need.


Why get involved?

Not only will your school be part of something amazing, but your students will gain a sense of purpose and learn about important issues around homelessness


We’re here to help!

We’ll provide a 15-minute presentation for your school assembly, explaining our work and how the funds will be used. It’s a perfect way to educate your students about the challenges young people face and ensure they know where to turn if they ever need support.


Primary Schools

This option is for Primary Schools who would like to register their interest.