We're thrilled to announce our upcoming Young Rangers day for siblings during the May half term, hosted at the National Trust site of Orford Ness.

For this event, we've arranged transportation to Orford and back to The Treehouse via coach.

The day promises to be filled with activity and excitement as we embark on a coach ride to Orford, followed by a boat journey to Orford Ness.

Upon arrival, the National Trust Rangers will guide us through a series of interactive and educational experiences. Help monitor the moths that live on Orford Ness, count and check their flock of rare breed sheep with the help of a sheep dog. Sweep and learn how the National Trust manage the landscape to make it such an important site for wading and migrating birds. Dissect owl pellets to help discover what small mammals live on site and carry out wildlife camera checks to see what our wildlife is up to when humans aren’t around!

We recommend wearing sturdy, closed shoes or walking boots and dressing appropriately for the day's weather. Sunscreen and/or waterproofs may come in handy.

Here's the schedule for the day:

  • 9:30am: Arrival and sign-in at The Treehouse
  • 9:45am: Departure by coach to Orford
  • 10:30am: Arrival at Orford and transfer to Orford Ness via National Trust boats
  • 11am - 3pm: Full day of activities at Orford Ness (don't forget to bring drinks and packed lunches)
  • 3pm: Return coach journey to The Treehouse
  • 3:45pm: Pick-up at The Treehouse

We look forward to a memorable day of exploration and learning at Orford Ness!

Please note that this event is not open to the public, it is only open to siblings school aged to 16 who access EACH services at The Treehouse.

Registrations for this event close on Monday 27th May.

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