Take on Samarathon!

Samarathon is a fundraising challenge for everyone where participants walk, ride, hop, run, wheel or sprint 26.2 miles over a month. 

Sign up below!

You can complete your miles wherever and whenever you like, fitting the challenge around your life. You can take part however you like, and we encourage everyone to get creative and adapt the challenge to suit their own needs.

As well as raising vital funds to help us continue to be here 24/7, a big focus for Samarathon is to raise awareness of our services and spread the message that whatever you’re going through Samaritans will face it with you.

There is no registration fee or minimum fundraising target. Raise what you can and help us be there for anyone who needs us 💚

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Samarathon 2024

Take on Samarathon and raise valuable funds for your chosen Samaritans branch. It's free to register and there is no minimum fundraising target.