St Luke’s Hospice, in collaboration with other organisations, provides a wide range of End of Life Care and Palliative Care education and professional development opportunities for Doctors, Nurses, Social Workers and other professionals, as well as tailor made courses for organisations. 

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Interactive virtual session delivered on Microsoft teams to enable nurses to verify death

Learning outcomes for the day:

  • The context of RNVoEAD during COVID-19 pandemic
  • Explore the Special Edition of Care After Death: Registered Nurse Verification of Expected Adult Death (RNVoEAD) Guidance (2020)
  • What is verification of expected adult death?
  • Scope of verification of death
  • Explore the professional and legal issues in relation to the verification of expected death including roles and responsibilities
  • Clinical procedure (revised) and infection prevention
  • Review the 3rd Edition Care after Death Guidance: for staff responsible for care after death (2020)
  • After death care, emotional impact and documentation
  • Self assessment documentation and certification