Pixels to Paint - Creating a Canvas of Courage

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Pixels to Paint Entry


Do you have a photograph of a relative who served in the British Army in the Second World War? Pixels to Paint is a commemorative competition that links to the major Second World War anniversaries in 2024, including the 80th anniversaries of the Normandy Landings (Operation OVERLORD) and Arnhem (Operation MARKET GARDEN). Whilst this competition is timed to coincide with these major anniversaries, there is no restriction on what campaign your ancestor fought in to be eligible to enter.

Once you have completed the registration process, please email your photograph and the story of your relative in the picture to: [email protected]. If you have any difficulties or queries, please do contact us.

The winning entry at the end of the competition will be transformed onto canvas by renowned veteran artist, Lee Buccilli.

All of the photographs and stories submitted are hugely important and we recognised that they will carry an immeasurable significance for the families and relatives. Whilst we are only able to choose one entry to be transformed onto canvas, this does not that imply that any of the stories and photographs are more important, or valued, than any other.

By uploading your photograph and story, you are also giving the permission for them to be used on our website where appropriate. Entries open on 6th June 2024 and close on 11th November 2024; the winner will be notified by email within 28 days of the closing date.