Let’s GLOW purple for St David's Hospice!


Dig out your brightest outfit and glow for hospice care this autumn. Whether it’s to walk in memory of a friend or loved one, a way of keeping fit, or simply to do something different with your friends on a Saturday night – whatever the reason, you’ll be sure of a fantastic night – all in aid of St David’s Hospice!

Before the walk you can enjoy ...

* Live music from Harry Davies

* Face Painting courtesy of Arty Expressions  

* A fun warm up with Claire Kite

*Merchandise stalls and a raffle with some great prizes! 

And that's not all!

Along the route, Music Dimensions will be performing at the bandstand on Llandudno's promenade, and Sioned Terry will be singing on the Pier. Linzi Grace will be providing entertainment at our 'fuel stop' at the Hospice, before we enjoy hot drinks and cupcakes back at Venue Cymru to deregister and relax! l

Glow walkers are encouraged to literally light up the night with their outfits and accessories, whilst raising sponsorship to provide the much-needed funds St David’s Hospice needs to continue to provide its care.

The walk will take place along Llandudno North Shore Promenade (look out for some pop-up entertainment along the way!). We will the walk down to St David’s Hospice in West Shore for some more entertainment, photo opportunities and enjoy some refreshments before heading back to Venue Cymru for deregistration.


The costs of putting on the event is covered by your registration fee. There is no sponsorship target for this event, however any donations would be gratefully welcomed


registrations are not available

There are currently no entry options available for this event.



Tyrchwch am eich dillad mwyaf llachar a thywynnu er mwyn gofal hosbis yr hydref hwn. Pa un ai a yw i gerdded er cof am ffrind neu anwylyd, yn ffordd o gadw’n ffit, neu ddim ond i wneud rhywbeth gwahanol gyda’ch ffrindiau ar nos Sadwrn – beth bynnag fo’r rheswm, byddwch yn siŵr o gael noson wych – i gyd er budd Hosbis Dewi Sant! 

Bydd gennym adloniant cyn y digwyddiad a sesiwn cynhesu hwyliog, a chaiff cerddwyr tywynnu eu hannog i oleuo’r nos yn llythrennol gyda’u dillad a’u cyfwisgoedd, tra byddant yn codi nawdd i ddarparu’r arian mawr ei angen y mae ar Hosbis Dewi Sant ei angen i barhau i ddarparu gofal. 

Bydd y cerdded yn digwydd ar hyd Promenâd Traeth y Gogledd Llandudno (cadwch lygad am rywfaint o adloniant untro ar hyd y ffordd!). Byddwn yn cerdded i lawr at Hosbis Dewi Sant ar Draeth y Gorllewin ar gyfer mwy o adloniant, cyfleoedd i dynnu lluniau a mwynhau rhywfaint o luniaeth cyn anelu’n ôl am Venue Cymru i ddatgofrestru. 

Yn Barod…Gan Bwyll…TYWYNNWCH! 

Mae costau cynnal y digwyddiad yn cael eu cwrdd gan eich tâl cofrestru. ’Does dim nod o ran nawdd ar gyfer y digwyddiad hwn, ond byddai croeso cynnes i unrhyw roddion