Mindfulness and Wellbeing at work 

Join us at this event where you will learn how to take time out, have a taster massage to relax you and network with like minded people. 

Mindfulness – taking time to be in the moment is not something we do a lot of in the currently busy world we live in.  During the session we will take a little time out to take part in an activity which helps us to be in the moment which can help you take forward and use in your everyday life.

Therapy – Do you suffer with aches and pains in your shoulders, neck, head?  If so, why not sample a taster massage Session with Sandra from Essential Thyme so you can experience the wonders of massage.

Tickets are £10 and include entry to the event, 1 entry to the raffle, a mindfulness activity, mini shoulder or head massage and a mocktail. 

You will leave feeling uplifted and relaxed! 


Any queries please email Laura, [email protected]


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