How does society's misperception of migraine and migraineurs affect those living with this chronic disease?

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Migraine can be extremely disabling and can affect almost all aspects of life from day to day activities and responsibilities to major life decisions, choices and paths. It can have an impact not only on the person with migraine but also those around them including family, friends, colleagues, community members and beyond. It can have negative effects on one’s role as a parent, a partner, or a colleague.

Migraine can be associated with negative feelings as well as self- and external stigma. This presentation will share scientific research on the potential far reaching effects of migraine as well as strategies for living and thriving with migraine.

Join us as we welcome Dr. Dawn C. Buse PhD, a licensed psychologist, a Clinical Professor of Neurology at Albert Einstein College of Medicine and a member of the Board of Directors of the Headache Cooperative of the Pacific.

She has worked with people with migraine and other chronic painful conditions for more than two decades through clinical care including biofeedback, cognitive behavioral therapy and relaxation training, research and patient advocacy.

She has more than 200 scientific publications and has won 9 US and international research awards and 4 professional awards for her work in the field of migraine. She is a co-investigator on the American Migraine Prevalence and Prevention (AMPP) Study, the Chronic Migraine Epidemiology and Outcomes (CAMEO) Study US and International Studies, the Migraine Signature Study (MSS), the International Burden of Migraine (IBMS) Study, the Migraine, Symptoms and Treatment in America (MAST) Study, the OVERCOME Study, and the Migraine Clinical Outcome Assessment System (MiCOAS) grant

She offers free guided visual imagery and relaxation exercises for pain management at You can follow her on Twitter: @dawnbuse.

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