Join us as we embark on our 7th Annual “One Ummah” Tour of Lebanon, supporting Palestinian and Syrian refugees.

This 6-day tour will open your hearts to the plight of Palestinian and Syrian refugees, offer an opportunity to understand better the challenges they face and provide help, support and love.

The tour is designed to give you full access to the projects on the ground and an opportunity to ask questions and play an active part in delivering this critical work. It will allow participants to work alongside the ground team to distribute aid in refugee camps, visit and support a school, and meet orphans we sponsor as part of the tour.

We will also support the local Lebanese community struggling daily due to low income, high costs and the devaluation of their currency.

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The Cause

Palestinian refugees started arriving in Lebanon over 70 years ago due to the 1948 ‘Nakba’. Today, nearly half a million Palestinians live in refugee camps, almost dependent on aid for their survival.

The Syrian civil war has resulted in millions of innocent lives being devastated and homeless. These people have had no choice but to flee from the violence, leaving behind their homes and livelihoods. Since the onset of the Syrian civil war in 2011, over one million Syrian refugees have fled to Lebanon.

Muslim Charity has been active in Lebanon, supporting Palestinian and Syrian refugees and needy Lebanese families through emergency food and medical aid, orphans and widows, schools and hospitals.