Can you handle the heat for Red Sky Foundation?

For the first time ever, we are giving you the chance to take part in a sponsored World Record Firewalk!

While this may be one of the shortest walks you’ve ever completed for the charity, it definitely won’t be the easiest. True bravery will be needed to make your way across a strip of red-hot embers, measuring up to 1,200 degrees Fahrenheit!

Before the walk, all participants will be fully supported with an in-depth training session led by the professional team of experts at UK Firewalk. You’ll be shown exactly how to safely complete your fire walk, so that you can face the fire fearlessly!

Whether you want to combat the coals alone, as a group of friends, or perhaps as part of a workplace challenge, this event is the perfect opportunity for anyone wanting to push themselves mentally with a fun, but fearsome challenge!

Register today and receive your Red Sky Firewalker T-Shirt & Fundraising Pack!  


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Set the World on Fire!  

Saturday 14th May 2022 will see Red Sky Foundation and associated charity partners attempting to break the World Record for the most people taking part in a fire walk. The daredevil event is being organised by Change and is being held at the Rainton Arena. With the current record standing at 1360 people, we are expecting over 1500 people to take the fiery plunge with hopes of raising thousands of pounds for various charitable causes.

Fire walking is an incredible experience and it’s also totally safe. We have experienced trainers available to coach everyone on the night, including someone who holds the World Record for the longest fire walk. We’re incredibly excited about teaming up with Change and UK Firewalk for the event as it’s going to be a lot of fun and a once-in-a-lifetime experience for many people. Not only is fire walking an amazing experience, everyone who enters can be sponsored to raise money for Red Sky Foundation or a cause that is particularly important to them. Everyone taking part will get a medal and a certificate to remind them of the evening for years to come. We also get to put the North East on the World Record map, which is something to be very proud of.

THE EVENT Before the walk: The firewalkers will meet at Rainton Meadows Arena to take part in their training, in a private area. All participants must go through a motivational psychology fear buster seminar. This does not involve any use of fire or coals; it is designed to equip you with the resources to walk unharmed across 20ft of wood embers burning at 1236 degrees Fahrenheit. All firewalk participants must undergo the training procedure from the beginning. The training is based around proven motivational and psychological methods. It does not involve any element of hypnosis, spiritual training, chanting, “brainwashing‟, or any similar methodologies. It is, however, tremendous fun!

The following course outcomes can be expected:

 Increased confidence and self-esteem

 Released fears and doubts

 A breakthrough from limiting beliefs and conditioning

 A transformation of fear into positive action

 Lots of fun and laughter

The walk: After the two hour training seminar, you will be led out to the fire, which will be located just 2 minutes’ walk away in the outside space. You will be given the opportunity, one by one, to walk across the fire lane. After all have completed their walk, the firewalkers will be led back into the training room to share their experiences and receive certificates of achievement.

Entry is free, so after the firewalk, you and your supporters will be able to let your hair down and celebrate your achievements.

Health and safety: No drugs or alcohol are allowed before or during the event (although a few celebratory drinks will probably be enjoyed afterwards!). Prospective participants must not be under the influence of alcohol or drugs. The event organising team will refuse to accept any participant if they believe this is the case. The event insurance covers participants while they are in the training seminar, the outside fire area and the spectators. Every effort will be made to ensure your safety. However, participants are not insured the moment they step onto the fire lane.

Each participant will be required to fill in a disclaimer form before they start training, explaining the risks and that they are responsible for their own actions and participation. You take part in the firewalk at your own risk. Friends and supporters: You are welcome and encouraged to bring supporters and spectators with you. No spectators, videos, cameras or audio equipment are allowed in the seminar; although they are welcome at the walk itself. Any earlybird supporters can relax in the public areas before watching you walk, as well as enjoying the music and fun afterwards.

Photos: we will be taking photos at the event to record our supporters’ fantastic achievements, but we respect your privacy. Please let us know if you do not want to be identified in photographs.

Timing: Exact timings will be confirmed to you nearer to the event but registration will take place at around 6/30pm, the fire will be lit at around 8/8.30pm and the firewalk itself will take place just after 9pm.

(This is event is organised by: Change Fundraising Limited)