Dragon boating is a fun-filled, adrenaline pumping, water sports activity. Teams compete in Dragon Boats, which are large canoe-like vessels fitted with ornately carved dragon's heads and tails. 

Crews of up to 16 people sit in pairs and paddle to compete in races over distances of around 250m. Each boat has a drummer beating time to keep the paddlers in unison, and a professional helmsperson in the stern to guide the boat.

Heel & Toe Children’s Charity are offering you a charity place on #TeamHT for only £25 registration fee (Minimum sponsorship £130 applies - This needs to be raised/paid by Friday 25th October 2024.).

Enter solo or recruit your team. This looks set to be a very exciting day and I hope you can join us. 

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Adult Entry

Crews of up to 16 people paddle to compete in races over distances of around 250m. Each boat has a drummer beating time to keep the paddlers in unison, and a professional helmsperson in the stern.


I have read the terms and conditions of entry and acknowledge that the organisers shall not be liable for death, personal injury or loss or damage as a consequence of my participation in the Dragon Boat Racing 2024 except with regard to personal injury which is caused by the organiser’s negligence.

Should I not reach my £130.00 sponsorship target, I agree personally to cover the deficit. I also confirm that I will meet the deadline for required sponsorship.

Please note, your £130.00 sponsorship commitment does not include your gift aid. Your sponsorship amount is purely your donations collected, gift aid is then an added bonus from the government.