Creating a culture where all women can progress – Roundtable session on Zoom at 11-12pm on 7th March 

To coincide with International Women’s Day, this fascinating roundtable will explore how to create a culture where all women can progress.

Women make up half the workforce and while there has been a growth in the number of women in leadership positions there is still room for improvement. Our Top Employers Benchmark confirms that women are underrepresented at a senior level in many organisations; only 38% senior managers and board members are women and just 8% of senior managers and board members have part-time (including job share) contracts.  At a global level only 18 companies are achieving 40-60% of women at all levels (board, executive, management, and workforce).

In order to create workplaces that produce high-performing teams, organisations need to be proactive when it comes to developing female employees, attracting and retaining women at all levels, and seeking to support staff regardless of their gender.  Businesses with women in more senior positions have been found to earn 50% higher profits.

Join us along with progressive employers who are ahead of the curve in their support of women progressing in the workplace to start a conversation around:

  • What do women need to thrive and progress at work?
  • What support are employers offering?
  • What cultural changes and mindset shifts are we seeing towards championing women in the workplace?

We’re delighted that we’ll be joined by representatives from the British Army who will be sharing the inspirational support for women within their organisation.

Please note that this is not a listen and learn session and after our panel have shared, we would love to hear from you! So, please de-mute yourself and turn your camera on, to join in this important discussion!

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