My Details

My Contact Details

Create or Join a Team

My Address


Emergency Contact

(Someone who is not taking part part but can be contacted during the event if necessary). You must have their permission before passing on their details.

Medical Conditions

Please list any medical conditions that the organisers need to be aware of

Additional requirements

Do you expect to have any additional needs on the day? (e.g access to prayer facilities?)

Custom Questions

This information will help us to plan our next event

Terms and Conditions

Please check to confirm that you (and your group if you are registering multiple people) agree to the event's Terms and Conditions 1. I understand that I will be asked to raise sponsorship for Julian House and that I am not permitted to use any of the money I raise to pay for any expenses. 2. All sponsorship money must be sent directly to Julian House by 1st November 2024. 3. I understand that significant parts of the route cross open farmland and participants should obey the Country Code and pay particular attention to: • Closing any farm gates which are used • Not interfering with crops or animals • Taking litter home • Keeping dogs on short leads and to clear up any mess 4. I understand that I should be of reasonable health and fitness to undertake this event and agree that medical advice should be sought from my GP if I suffer from a medical condition that could be affected or if I am in any doubt as to my physical ability to participate in this event. 5. I understand that if I am aged under 16 years I must have full parental consent to take part and I must be accompanied by a participating adult (over 18) who will accompany me at all times during the event. This adult is also required to take part in the event. 6. I understand that I must not be under the influence of intoxicating liquids or recreational drugs whilst taking part in the event. 7. I authorise the use of any images/film in which I feature, captured during the event, to be used by Julian House to help publicise future activities via websites, social media and in print. I understand that I can opt-out of the use of said images/film by speaking to a member of Julian House staff on the day or prior to the event. 8. I understand that I should listen carefully to any information or instructions that event staff give, as they will also contact first aid support if I need help. 9. I understand that limited parts of the route follow or cross public roads and extra care needs to be taken on these sections. 10. I understand that I should follow the route instructions carefully and advise checkpoint staff when I or my group have completed the planned route. I confirm I have read and accept the terms and conditions stated. I understand that I take part in this event at my own risk and acknowledge that Julian House does not accept responsibility for any injury, loss or damage to me or my property (however caused) incurred during participation in the Circuit of Bath Walk.


Donations are always welcome in support of our many projects and services across the South West. We are hugely grateful for any extra help you can provide. £50 could pay for the ongoing support we provide once a client has moved into their own home, helping them to rebuild their lives. £20 could pay for one woman staying in our domestic abuse refuge to attend one week session of the 13 week Freedom Programme. £15 could provide a replacement birth certificate – essential for someone moving into accommodation, or back into employment.

* I am a UK taxpayer and understand that if I pay less Income Tax and/or Capital Gains Tax in the current tax year than the amount of Gift Aid claimed on all my donations it is my responsibility to pay any difference.