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This interdisciplinary meeting serves as a platform for engineers, biologists, and clinicians to discuss and present breakthroughs in aortic disease research, with key topics this year ranging from the intricacies of biochemistry and biomechanics of ascending/thoracic aneurysms to novel bioengineering techniques for vascular research.

Speakers include:

  • Dr Niamh Hynes, University of Galway - The Dynamic Aortic Environment: Challenges for Current Therapies and Future Perspectives. 
  • Professor Duke Cameron, The Johns Hopkins Hospital - Loeys-Dietz syndrome: What have we learned in 20 years? 
  • Dr Ankush Aggarwal, University of Glasgow - Biomechanical Analysis of Aortic Roots: Differences Between Tricuspid and Bicuspid Aortic Valve Patients. 
  • Dr Alexander Fletcher, University of Glasgow - Identifying high risk thoracic aortopathy in bicuspid aortic valve: the AoRTAS study.

Further speakers and the full programme are below.

Submissions are welcomed for both oral presentations and written abstracts. Please follow this link for submission details.

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