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We are pleased to welcome and host Dr. Idris Fasi Al-Fihri on Thursday 1 August 2024. Dr. Fihri will be delivering a lecture in Arabic on the University of Al-Qarawiyyin and the effects it’s had through it’s history on the modern world. 

Please register below for your free ticket. 

Dr. Idris Fasi al Fihri is from the lineage of Fatima Fihri, the founder of the famous Al-Qarawiyyin University in Fez. He is the Deputy Director of the famous Al-Qarawiyyin University and the Friday Speaker of Al-Qarawiyyin Mosque.

The Fasi family have produced dozens of great scholars and saints over the past 550 years; several of them spread the Dala’il-Al-Khayrat and several other famous books, taught them and wrote commentaries on them.

The ancestor of the Shaykh, Imam Abdul Qadir al-Fasi is one of the most influential scholars in Morocco and the Islamic world from the past 400 years.

*As mentioned above, please note that this lecture will be in Arabic* 

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