The symposium will be hosted at our No17 conference venue at St Columba’s Hospice Care in Edinburgh and it will be offered as a hybrid event inviting both in-person and online participants and speakers.

This event builds on the spirit of our past symposia, all of which were fully booked attracting arts therapists, community artists, socially engaged arts practitioners as well as other professionals and scholars within and beyond palliative care internationally.

This year’s theme focuses on “Creative health, care and dying”. We seek to bring to the fore and critically explore diverse practice, research and policy drivers that shape and influence the arts in palliative and end-of-life care. Offering a vibrant and brave space for dialogue among people from different professional, disciplinary and sociocultural contexts is at the heart of this event.

The symposium will feature different types of presentations and creative workshops. Topics will vary and include stories and examples, new emerging practices, critical perspectives on evidence, illness and culture, as well as co-production and wider professionalisation issues for the arts in palliative care.

Please visit our website for further details about the symposium and full programme details. 

Places are limited to 40 in-person and 100 online participants and offered on a first come, first served basis.  In-person tickets include tea/coffee and lunch.

For any questions, please email us at: [email protected]

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