Select one of these three options

Create a new team & Register

• Great for families, companies, and groups of friends!
• Choose this if you are the first of your team to register, you will be team captain.
• You may register others to your team as long as you can provide their personal (unique) email addresses for each member of the team.

Create a new team & Register

• Great for families, companies, and groups of friends!
• Choose this if you are the first of your team to register, you will be team captain.
• You may register others to your team as long as you can provide their personal (unique) email addresses for each member of the team.

Join a team & Register

• Choose this if you are joining a team that is already registered.
• You will search for the team name or team captain name on the next screen.

Join a team & Register

• Choose this if you are joining a team that is already registered.
• You will search for the team name or team captain name on the next screen.

Register (no team affiliation)

• Choose this if you are NOT starting a team or joining a team.
• You must be 16 years or older.
 (Children under 16 years must be added to an adult registration.)

Register (no team affiliation)

• Choose this if you are NOT starting a team or joining a team.
• You must be 16 years or older.
 (Children under 16 years must be added to an adult registration.)

Join us in a two-day wellbeing walk to show kindness to yourself and others. 

Are you ready to take on an inspiring journey that brings together community, wellbeing, and compassion? 

The Wellbeing Challenge is a 24-mile challenge walk taking place on the 9th & 10th of October 2024, designed to help you boost your wellbeing and make a difference in the lives of people experiencing homelessness. 

By signing up & fundraising for us you will be raising awareness of the rapid increase in homelessness and supporting long-term solutions to ensure everyone has a home. 

Event details: 

Choose to join us for both days or pick from Day 1 & 2 when you sign up. Join us on the evening of the 9th October in a solidarity sleepout. 

Day 1: 

  • 15.1 miles | 7 hours
  • Begins at Lowestoft at 9am 
  • Finishes in Ringsfield approx 6pm 
  • Sleepout in Ringsfield with dinner provided 

Day 2:

  • 8 miles | 4 hours
  • Begins in Ringsfield at 9am 
  • Finishes at Emmaus Norfolk & Waveney at approx 1pm 
  • Wellbeing event & lunch served 

We invite all walkers to register and raise money for Emmaus Norfolk & Waveney through their fundraising page (generated when you sign-up) and stride for change with us!