Around 8000 people in the UK have Huntington’s disease with a further 32000 estimated to be at high risk of inheriting it.

Start your New Year with a pledge to get moving for Huntington’s disease throughout the month of January. The idea is simple; you can do anything you like as long as you move your body 8000 metres.

Make #HDMove part of your overall fitness goal for January

  • 8000 metres is 8 kilometres so you could plan an 8km walk
  • 8000 metres is roughly 10,000 steps you can aim reach 10,000 steps each day or add 10,000 steps to your daily amount 
  • If swimming is your passion aim for 1000 metres per day to work up to your 8000 metres target

It doesn't matter what you do, get creative and see how many ways you can #getmovin4HD 

Guidelines for #HDMove

  1. We encourage each person taking part to commit to raise at least £100 for the Huntington’s Disease Association

  2. Track your distance using your phone, smart watch or other device. If you have a Strava account you can link it to your fundraising page to keep your friends and family up to date on your progress

  3. Each person is responsible for tracking their distance 

  4. Make sure you follow the rules and regulations for your area to keep you and your community safe. For most areas in the UK this will mean only taking part in the challenge with your household and ensuring you socially distance with public whilst completing your #HDMove challenge



registrations are not available

There are currently no entry options available for this event.


Every metre you move and every penny you raise will help to make a difference to the lives of the people we support.

Have questions? Need support?

The Fundraising team are on hand to help and we can also send out fundraising materials. Simply email [email protected] or call 0151 331 5445