Did you know that it's #GivingTuesday on Tuesday 28th November 2023? How about signing up to take part in our Elf Fun Run at a location of your own choice to help us raise funds to support more children and families at Adoption Matters? 

The event can be run at any time between 9am on the 1st December 2023 until 12pm on the 24th December 2023.  Not a fan of running? Then why not walk, cycle, or wheelchair yourself around! There are two distances available- 1k for the Under-7's, 2k for everyone else. Please keep safe by choosing daylight hours and appropriate weather conditions. 

We would appreciate an entry fee of £5 per child/adult and Elf fancy dress is positively encouraged! And of course, if you want to raise additional sponsorship, we would be very grateful.

Thank you for supporting Adoption Matters - we would love to share photographs and updates once you have finished the event - please get in touch with [email protected] if this is something that you would consent too. 


registrations are not available

There are currently no entry options available for this event.