Join the £100 Challenge for FREE today!

  • Run, walk, bake or raise £100 your way in August (ideas below!)
  • Get a free cap when you raise £100
  • Raise money for children with epilepsy
  • All donations to your challenge will be automatically doubled
  • Start the challenge on a day of your choice

registrations are not available

There are currently no entry options available for this event.


It’s time for change.  Will you help a child being unfairly left out?

You can help children with epilepsy like Cash who are being unfairly excluded from sport and physical activity.

“I felt really angry and upset because all of my friends could go but me. I wasn’t allowed to go to football camp just because I have epilepsy.

I can play sport and so can everybody else. You just need to understand my epilepsy” Cash - child with epilepsy.

Right now, children like Cash are being excluded from the activities they love simply because they have epilepsy. They are being unnecessarily excluded due to misconceptions and a lack of understanding. 

Ideas for you or feel free to do a challenge of your choice

  • Run or walk 100 miles in August
  • Bake and sell 100 cakes
  • Anything you fancy!


What difference will I make?  

Your fundraising will help to develop research-backed guidance and support for sports clubs, teachers and parents. This will equip them with the knowledge and confidence to include children with epilepsy safely.  

With the right support and the right care and guidance, children can be included. Understand their epilepsy and help them reach their potential.

You can be the difference between Cash being included and left out. Please help to ensure that children with epilepsy are included in sports and physical activities safely.

They must not be allowed to be left on the sidelines.  


Your fundraising is worth DOUBLE!

This Summer we’ve teamed up with a major donor to help children like Cash. Every pound donated in August will be matched by the donor, so your donation is worth DOUBLE! That’s double your impact.